Romayne Midgeley – a remarkable woman

Romayne Midgely

For some years Romayne Midgeley, armed with a B Comm and financial experience, came to Fynbos weekly to help us with our books. She brought with her Wobbles, one of her rescue Rottis, who has since become feature of Fynbos life.

Then when we restructured our admin, Ro agreed to take a full time job here combining finances and hospitality. We are grateful at her competence and generosity of spirit.

Ro and her Animals

But this is only one side of Ro. A huge part of her belongs with her animals. She has trained and worked as a vet nurse and runs an animal sanctuary in which mostly rescue production animals find peace and happiness often after tough lives.



As part of her animal work Ro is often called out to help with stricken animals. The fires of last year saw her driving horses from the flames, and she is frequently called upon to load cattle or horses that have spilled from vehicles, or come to some harm. She is often involved in rescuing ill or abused animals, nursing them to health and finding them new homes.


Prinsie (above) was ridden to exhaustion and was unable to stand. Here is after rest and food and love.


Little Winterfall, found as a new born in the DHL parking lot, grew up to be a fine horse.



One project run by Ro is with the ‘Westies’. (Indigenous West Coast horses) who usually haul wood and herd production animals. I was amazed to discover that every morning before she comes to work, Ro does the rounds of the horses she cares for. Mamre, Atlantis, Pele, Riverlands and Chatsworth is her route – dropping off food for the horses and checking that they are OK. The deal is that if the horse is well cared for and not overworked, they get helped with food and cared for if ill. The group is in the above pic.

One story I found especially touching was that of a young teenage gang member who has a great passion for horses and has learnt how to manage them -even to the point of tending to them medically. 2 years ago Ro organized for the young man to be given his own horse called Blessie who he looks after with love and care, and helps Ro out quite often in her work.



On the other side of rescue is education. Here Ro talks to the Pele primary school children about animal care. She says she gives the children her number and often get calls about abused animals.



And then finally, apart from the rescue work, Ro is a Rotti breeder, sits on the a variety of dog counsels and judges at shows. She herself has 9 Rottis who are working dogs and have in fact tracked many a skelm in the area. A few months ago they nailed a Namibian bunch who broke into a nearby farm and tied up the workers.

Ro found us our darling Cherry the baby Rotti and little Blue the Great Dane. And recently, she brought us 3 more rescue donkeys who she has been helping us care for.

Undoubtedly Ro is one of those remarkable people filled with practical knowledge, a sensible outlook and love and kindness. She doesn’t make a fuss, she just gets on with it, but the amount of good she does is phenomenal.