We return here each time we can
Shambhala Art Retreat
To artist or non-artist, the creative process often seems mysterious and magical. As a training Shambhala Art explores making art from the viewpoint of a meditative discipline.
Working with this training as a group on retreat together, we discovered that if we were not too eager to prove something we could welcome the open space of not knowing, of playing.
And when inspiration arose out of that space, we dared to make a stroke, to make a sound, or position an object – with awareness and precision.
Andrew Putter wrote: “By giving us the opportunity to work in a wide variety of art forms – including acting, singing, writing, calligraphy and object arranging – and coupling perceptual and expressive exercises with meditation, study and contemplation – teachers Mary Anne Botha and Andras Hajdu skilfully introduced us to artistic expression as a potential path of awakening.
The week-long program drew from the teachings on the creative process developed by Tibetan meditation teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the founder of Shambhala Buddhism.
As always Fynbos Estate is the perfect place for this kind of activity and we return here each time we can.